Organizational Unit (OU) – The division of your company that is handling the certificate.For a normal SSL though, you can put whatever, as it’s not checked and nor even required. If you’re requesting an EV or OV certificate ( which are entirely pointless), it will need to be validated. Organization (O) – The full legal name of your company, including any suffixes such as LLC.A wildcard like this applies to However, it’s good to fill out the others. You can use wildcards (e.g., *.) to request a wildcard certificate applying to all subdomains. It must match exactly, or your users will see an error page in their browser saying the certificate is untrusted. Common Name (CN) – Your server’s hostname.If you’re using LetsEncrypt, CSR file creation is all managed by certbot for you.

They’re usually generated automatically with the help of a utility like OpenSSL. CSR files contain information on your organization and the type of certificate you’re requesting.